"It is often said that Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 'Relationship' has many meanings. So we must ask what KIND of relationship we have. Some people ignore Jesus. Some are afraid and some are angry. These are defective relationships."

The Bible describes a healthy relationship with Jesus in many ways. When I first came to know Jesus, I was delighted that I could have a warm relationship with God as my Father. I loved how the J.B. Phillips translation put it, "Consider the incredible love that the Father has shown us in allowing us to be called “children of God”—and that is not just what we are called, but what we are" (1 John 3:1). I found such amazing love in knowing I was a daughter of God and especially that His love was always there. Even when I messed up, He loved me. This family relationship was just what I needed to want to know Him more.

I later discovered that Jesus could be my best friend. He was someone I could spend time with and confide in, with no fear of ridicule or rejection. I could tell Him anything and He was always interested. He cared about every little or big part of my life. He would be my forever friend who would "never leave me or forsake me" (Hebrews 13:5). He has been always there for me--in good days and bad, in sickness and health. He is someone I can always rely on because He is the best friend I could ever have!

But being a friend of Jesus is more than being a friend with my next door neighbor or someone I've grown close to at church. Jesus explains it this way, "You are My friends if you do whatever I command you" (John 15:14). That's not usually what we think of when we think of friends. But if I look at it through God's perspective, I can see it. God connects friendship with loyalty, just as we do (don't we all want a true-blue friend?). I think this verse also shows that He's looking for a relationship with us that demonstrates perfect trust. If we have total confidence in God, knowing He wants only the best for us and loves us to the nth degree, we will do what He says. We'll follow wherever He leads, because He's our trustworthy Friend.

But there's another side to our relationship with God that figures in here. God has become my Saving Lord! He came to my rescue when my life was out of control. He knew I was headed for destruction, so He came to this earth to die in my place, to pay the price that my sins deserved. "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15:13, NRS). No one has ever loved me that much--to give themselves so completely and selflessly. Most have strings attached to their love. "I'll love you IF..." is what they almost say. But not Jesus. His love on Calvary's cross says it all. "God proves His love for us in that while we were STILL sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

When I accepted that incredible love, it broke my heart! And it changed it in a dramatic way. It delivered me from the sins that had kept me in chains. And it set me free, so I could follow Jesus wherever He went. Our relationship was now in terms of Savior and Delivered prisoner.

But it instantly moved beyond that--all because of His love. Jesus became the One who led. I was no longer running my own life. I didn't want to anymore. I know where my sinful heart leads me--and I am tired of being riddled with guilt and despair. I want the full, abundant life that Jesus gives. So I moved into a relationship with Him where He is my Lord. My Saving Lord (or Lord and Savior as the Bible says).

And that brings me full circle back to being His friend--His devoted and delivered friend, who wants nothing more than to be like Jesus and to do whatever He wants of me. As Jesus says, "You are My friends if you do whatever I command you."

I know there's so many more facets to a healthy relationship with Him. But I think these are some of the big ones. The saving ones. When my relationship with Jesus is like this, it will move into other saving facets--I will work along side Him in helping others to know Him. I'll worship Him as my Creator and Redeemer. I'll pour out my love in loving obedience and devoted service--not to earn His approval or any reward. Just because I love Him so much and I certainly want to follow in His footsteps--to love as He loved me.

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