A Tiny Little Seed

A tiny little seed dropped down into the soil
where its roots began to penetrate and grow.
Silently it grew there, steadily it grew,
though its progress seemed so miniscule and slow.
Until one day it happened that a hardy plant emerged
from the tiny little seed down in the earth.
But by then its roots were anchored deep within the soil,
for it lay there undisturbed until its birth.
Unmolested by the gardener, it spread its roots afar
and its tendrils twined around each tender plant.
Growing more robust and able as a vigorous baleful weed
that seemed impossible to root out or supplant.

It was while the gardener slept that this evil came about,
when an enemy of God resowed His field.
He broadcast it with seeds to choke and suffocate
the Word of Life that brings the greatest yield--
of faith in Christ our Savior who died on Calvary's tree
and repentance for the sins that nailed Him there.
And no one seemed to notice what the enemy had done,
for the plant seemed truly innocent and fair.
It was not until the weeds seemed to overrun God's field
that the gardener saw the danger of his plight.
But the weeds were then entrenched 
and entwined about his plants
and he feared they'd be destroyed if he should fight.

A tiny little seed seems insignificant and small,
but within it lies a power that will spread.
It may do a wondrous work that will lead men unto God
and bring life to hearts that once were cold and dead.
But when seeds originate from the 'wisdom' of this age,
which has turned away from what the LORD has said,
it will do a baleful work where lives are sacrificed
for without God's truth, men follow where they're led.
They follow blindly on, without thinking where this path
will take them or what damage it will do.

Just a tiny little seed, so insignificant and small.
But silently and steadily, it grew.

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